Taking Flight

Taking Flight

There is a reservoir in the farming community of Eckert, Colorado, where the greater sandhill cranes stop to rest and feed for a night in their annual migration. The landing and takeoff of these giant ancient birds is an unforgettable sight; depending on the year,...
God is an Outlaw Path

God is an Outlaw Path

Sometimes I’m bemused by how the individuals whose lives became the genesis of religious institutions were themselves outlaws: Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad. They were people who just couldn’t follow the rules. Outlaws. Delinquent. Threatening. Then, as institutions...
Making Room for Death

Making Room for Death

Two of the most challenging aspects of life are death and change. Sometimes life takes a turn, and what has changed is truly incomprehensible. We’re stunned and numb. We have no idea how to think or what to say. We flounder and fall back on awkward platitudes. We want...
Nonviolent Self-Improvement

Nonviolent Self-Improvement

For the sake of this article, I’m using the label ”non-violent self-improvement” to talk about an approach of intentionally directed self-care that respects our humanity, our fears and hurts, while patiently, gently, focusing our attention towards the good....