The Wilderness of Silence and Sacred Loneliness

The Wilderness of Silence and Sacred Loneliness

Silence is not always easy. Sometimes we think we want silence, but when that silence becomes available we get disoriented. We feel lost and lonely, and we’re a bit scared. So, boom! It’s off to the refrigerator, or the internet, or a pub, or a friend to babble to, or...
River Medicine

River Medicine

Mountains, deserts, rivers, rocks, unobstructed skies, the music of water, wind, soil and life. I’d like to talk about how nature is medicine for me. I’ll begin with an anecdote I came across about a couple of experiments that UC Berkeley professor Dr. Dacher Keltner,...
A Musical Offering – Simplicity

A Musical Offering – Simplicity

I’m taking what is for me a bold step, and offering to you this simple four minute flute improvisation that helped to calm my nervous tummy, and brought me to a moment of peace. Perhaps this perfectly imperfect piece of music could provide you with a moment of peace...
SHAMANISM – A Very Brief History

SHAMANISM – A Very Brief History

  High population and large territory don’t eliminate shamans … They show up under different auspices and in different costumes. Even in our era there are urban shamans channeling messages from beyond. Some are bogus. Some are sincere. And some, no doubt, are...


There was a tradition in the temple of Dodona that oaks first gave prophecies. The men of old in their simplicity, unlike young philosophy, deemed that if they heard the truth even from an oak or a rock, it was enough. – Socrates in Plato’s Phaedrus   I’ve...
God is an Outlaw Path

God is an Outlaw Path

Sometimes I’m bemused by how the individuals whose lives became the genesis of religious institutions were themselves outlaws: Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad. They were people who just couldn’t follow the rules. Outlaws. Delinquent. Threatening. Then, as institutions...